International College of Dentists

Scientific Program

Saturday, June 22 - 8:15-14:30 - Continuing Education at the Conference Hotel

Dov Sydney, President European Section, General Meeting Chair

Efraim Winocur, Regent District 9, Scientific Chair

Phillip Dowell, Forum Coordinator

Click the speakers names in the schedule below to view their biography, abstract, and photos

9:00-9:20 - Vicente Lozano de Luaces

Humanitarian Dental Project in Rural Tibet Villages

9:20-9:40 - Yevhen Niezhentsev

Volunteer movement in the dental community of Ukraine

10:30-10:50 - Mariana Dolores

Increasing oral health access in Guinea Bissau

10:50-11:10 - Antonio Luis Castaño Seiquer

Scientific-solidarity alliance between the International College of Dentists & Luis Séiquer Social Dentistry Foundation

Humanitarian Dental Project in Rural Tibet Villages

For 4 year we work in Humanitarian Dental Project sponsored by Tibet House in Barcelona (Spain) by Dalai Lama in Tibet in exile. We have worked during July and August in Majnu Ka Tila, Dharamsala and another rural small Tibet villages, in differents Tibetan Children Villages organized by Department of the Helth in Tibet in exile. Last year we to explore 1200 patiens and we explain results in this presentation.


Prof. Dr. Vicente Lozano-de Luaces


Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics

  1. Dr. Medical School: University of Barcelona
  2. Dr. Dental School: University of Barcelona
  3. Full Professor in Dental School in University of Barcelona

Author books:

Cross Infection Control

Co-Author books:

Manual in Dentistry; Bases of Pharmacological therapeutics in Dentistry; Art and Science Dentistry Materials; Preventive and Comunity Dentistry; Treaty of Dentistry

  • Coordinator to Health Humanitarian Project in Borneo (Malaysia)
  • Coodinator to Health Humanitarian Project in Sumatra (Indonesia)
  • Coordinator to Health Humanitarian Project in Sao Felix do Araguala (Mato Grosso, Brazil)
  • Coordinator of Health Humanitarian Dental Project in South India (Anantapur): Vicente Ferrer Foundation
  • Coordinator of Health Humanitarian Dental Project in Tibet in exile with Tibet House in Barcelona (Dalai Lama Health Project)
  • Many conferences in universities in the world and published papers in different scientific dental reviews
  • Director of 21 Thesis Doctorals in Barcelona University
  • Vice-President of Spanish ICD

Volunteer movement in the dental community of Ukraine

The dental community of Ukraine actively organized itself into a volunteer movement, responding to the challenges of the war.

The report will highlight successful initiatives and projects of the dental community working with military personnel since 2014.

The volunteer movement has undergone significant changes and scaling since 2022.

Emphasis will be placed on the importance and value of the work of dentists for maintaining the level of dental health of the Ukrainian military and civil.

Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev


Dr Y.Niezhentsev is a Dentist, surgeon and orthopedist.

He is Founder of “Doctor Niezhentsev’s Clinic”,

President of the Association of Implantologists of Ukraine (2023 – present),

Core member “Global association of osteointegration” since 2019.

Dr Y.Niezhentsev is Volunteer and Founder of the volunteer NGO “Dentists of Dnipropetrovsk region”,.

He is 3rd year PhD student at the Zaporizhia Medical and Pharmaceutical University.


The project is called “Free Teeth”, in which the children’s dentists of the Dental clinic-studio “Apollonia” (Poltava? Ukraine) teach oral hygiene and treat tooth decay in schoolchildren whose father died in the war, or whose family was forced to move to our city from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Free teeth means that the teeth are free of plaque, caries and gingivitis, with sealed fissures, and which are freely cleaned twice a day using a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. And free teeth can only be in a free country!

The project is funded by the Callahan Memorial Award and private donation of the author in half and with the support of ICD. We have our own funds equally, the budget is 10,000 USD. The project started on February 13, now it has 28 participants, 18 of whom have finished treatment…

On March 20, on the World Day of Dental Health, announced by the FDI, there will be a meeting of children with their mothers, participants of the Program, with doctors participating in the Program and staff of the clinic, at which we will talk with cartoons about the importance of preventing dental caries instead of treating them. The main stage of this meeting is an individual hygiene lesson with double control of the quality level of brushing teeth for 10 children with information for their mothers.

The “Free Teeth” program will operate until the budget is exhausted, and will be extended subject to additional funding.

Dr. Serhiy Radlinsky


"Apollonia" Dental Clinic-Studio, Poltava, Ukraine.

Dr. Serhiy Radlinsky is a Head doctor of the Private dental clinic-studio and Training centre “Apollonia”, publisher and owner of the Dental magazine ”DentArt”, author and the head manager of the Project “Prisma-Championship” – International clinical competitions in art of tooth restoration (1994-2013).

He is the Honored Doctor of Ukraine (1994), Honorary Professor of Poltava State Medical University, Ukraine (2010), Honored Doctor of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia (2010) and Honoured Doctor of Kishineu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Moldova (2012).

Serhiy Radlinsky is the active member of the International Colledge of Dentists (2012-present), Regent of District 15 (2019-present) of the European section ICD, active member (2013-present) of the International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD), affiliate member (2010-present) of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), co-founder and the First President (2011-2017) of the Ukrainian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.

Professional interests are focused on aesthetics and techniques of direct dental restoration with composites. He is the author of 1 text book and more then 70 clinical and scientific articles in restorative dentistry.

Increasing oral health access in Guinea Bissau

Mundo A Sorrir is a Non Governamental Organization founded in 2005 that develops activities in Portugal and 3 African countries having benefited over 890.000 underprivileged people.

Works in 3 main areas: medical treatments, health literacy and training of health professionals and in all of the project’s environmental sustainability and research have always a significant role.

In Guinea Bissau Mundo A Sorrir started the activities in 2005 and has developed several projects all around the country. The social clinic Mundo A Sorrir opened in early 2020; the “Saúde a sorrir” project involves both health literacy  activities, school programs of brushing teeth and medical treatments using portable units and operates in the regions of Cacine, Bissau and Bijagós islands. It joins together in one project the complementar areas of oral health, mental health, reproductive health, environmental health and nutrition and involves a significant number of people in the field, both volunteers and employees of Mundo A Sorrir.

At the moment both the Phillip Dear Foundation and the Global Visionary fund are supporting the projects, and it has a huge impact on the enlargement of our activities in Guinea Bissau.

Dr. Mariana Dolores

Born in Oporto in 1980, married and mother of 3 boys.

Graduated in dentistry in 2004, in Oporto. Master in Non-governamental organizations by Webster University , Regents College in London in 2009. Post-graduation in Odontopediatrics in Cespu University in 2012. Exclusive practice of odontopediatrics since 2010.

Since early age developed plenty of volunteer activities in Portugal and in 2004, already as a volunteer dentist, in Cape Vert, Africa.

In 2005, Co founder of Mundo A Sorrir and coordinator of multiple projects since then, executive director since 2015 and president of the board since 2018.

Scientific-solidarity alliance between the International College of Dentists & Luis Séiquer Social Dentistry Foundation

ICD Spain has organized Scientific-Solidarity Meetings since 2019 to improve the training of fellows and other professionals, as well as to support the solidarity activities of the Philip Dear Foundation. The four meetings have been held in Seville (2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023). All editions have received a great reception, achieving significant participation success, with an average of more than 150 attendees. The high scientific level has given prestige to the ICD and the Social Dentistry Foundation (FOS) as a co-organizing entity.

The Philip Dear Foundation has supported two FOS projects. One dedicated to social gerodontology and the other to the launch of a solidarity dental clinic in the south of Spain.

Prof. Antonio Castaño Séiquer

Professor of Preventive and Community Dentistry at the University of Seville, Spain

Antonio Castaño Séiquer has been Professor of Preventive and Community Dentistry at the University of Seville (Spain) since 1989. He also directs the Luis Séiquer Social Dentistry Foundation (FOS) since its creation in 2009.

At the University of Seville, he has directed XX editions of the Master in Oral Public Health and XVIII editions of the Master in Family and Community Dentistry. In total, he has directed 56 postgraduate courses in the period 1999-2024. He has been director of 53 doctoral theses. He has published 31 impact articles and is the author of 3 books on the specialty.

He has been named Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of Concepción (Paraguay). The Anáhuac Mayab University (Mexico) awarded him the Medal of Dentistry.

Throughout the 21st century it has developed social dentistry projects in Peru, the Dominican Republic, Morocco, Mexico, Paraguay and Spain. He has received the Solidarity Scholarship from the Council of Dentists of Spain on six occasions. The University of Seville awarded him the Development Cooperation award and different awards for solidarity projects. The Spanish Society of Prosthetics and Aesthetics has awarded him 6 Solidarity Awards. ICD has supported two solidarity projects coordinated by Dr Castaño Séiquer.

Since 2019, he has organized four ICD & FOS scientific-solidarity meetings in Seville (Spain) to benefit the Philip Dear Foundation.


Dental caries is a widespread, non communicable disease that affects over 5001 million children globally, particularly in the underserved communities. In England each year there are 48000 children who go into hospital every year to have their rotten teeth removed under general anaesthetic. The Dental Wellness Trust set up a campaign 9 years ago called “Saving Kids Teeth” to be able to rectify this situation to help save more children’s teeth through educating school children about oral health and introducing innovative supervised toothbrushing programmes.  Whilst Oral Heath is a Basic Human Right, these novel supervised toothbrushing programmes called the Livesmart Toothbrushing programmes were developed in South Africa 12 years ago for 21000 children and the knowledge and experience gained from these programmes have been implemented into the Luton Young Oral Health Programme. This programme and the Keep Luton Smiling Programme recognises the impact that can be made when working within a community where there is particularly high social deprivation and mixed ethnicity, and importantly an existing proven incidence of poor oral health amongst the young. The Lecture will highlight the Young Luton Oral Health Programmes that have been established in Luton assisting nearly 25000 children in 36 schools and nurseries and this number is expanding.

Aims of the lecture

  1. To explain the Oral Health Programmes that have been established by the Dental Wellness Trust in Luton, Bedfordshire, England where there is high social high social deprivation and mixed ethnicity, and importantly an existing proven incidence of poor oral health amongst the young
  2. Where there are different ethnic communities, how the Young Luton Oral Health Programmes are adapted.
  3. Adapting the Luton Youn Oral Health programmes for children of different ages


  1. To learn how to establish a community  Oral Health Educational programmes in a community
  2. To learn how to set up Supervised Toothbrushing Programme in schools
  3. How to teach the teachers to implement these programmes
  4. Delegates will learn how to replicate these programmes and introduce a sense of joy and fun into toothbrushing in a group setting.
  5. Delegates will learn how to  manage challenges and strategies to overcome them


  1. The WHO Global Health Oral Health Status Report (2022) 

Dr. Linda Greenwall


Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics

Dr Greenwall runs a multidisciplinary private practice in London. She is a founding member and Chair of the British Dental Bleaching Society (2008-2013), chair of the Alpha Omega Society (2012/13), Editor-in-Chief of the journal Aesthetic Dentistry Today for 20 years, and President of the Met Branch of the British Dental Association (2015/2016). In 2016 she was awarded the FMC Award for Outstanding Contribution to Dentistry. Dr Greenwall has been lecturing internationally for over 20 years.

Her first book, Bleaching Techniques in Restorative Dentistry, won the award for Best New Dental Book in 2001 –a 2ndedition Tooth Whitening Techniques, was published in May 2017 and the 3rd edition is in process. Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice with Dr Cathy Jameson was published in 2011.

In June 2017 she was honoured by the Queen in her birthday honours to receive the British Empire Medal for her Service to Dentistry in the UK and Abroad.

In 2011, Dr Greenwall established the Dental Wellness Trust Charity in the UK and the Dental Wellness Foundation in South Africa. The charity runs oral health programmes and provides outreach dental care to the less fortunate communities.