International College of Dentists

Scientific Poster

Immediate Complete Dentures and Implant Dentistry using the Decoronation Technique

1Undergraduate Student, School of Dentistry, European University of Cyprus

2Scientific Collaborator in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, European University of Cyprus

Onsite author: Alexandar Saša Dragović

There are several instances when a dentist faces the decision of extracting all the teeth of a patient due to their poor prognosis or for other prosthetic reasons. The patient must then go with a provisional phase until the osseointegration of the implants and the delivery of the final implant retained prostheses. An Immediate Complete Denture (ICD) is a possible interim solution for the patient. By definition, an ICD is a denture that is delivered immediately after the extraction of the teeth. By using the Decoronation technique, the extraction of the teeth is done after the delivery of the ICD by cutting the crown of the teeth to the gingival height. This technique provides certain advantages to the dentist such as almost regular insertion of the denture without blood. However, the most important advantage is the opportunity to combine the CAD/CAM technology with CBCT 3D scan to duplicate the ICD and fabricate a surgical stent for immediate implant placement in the remaining root areas, thus, saving important healing time for the patient for the delivery of the final Fixed or Removable Prostheses. On this Poster, we will present a case of an ICD using the Decoronation technique, showing the clinical steps, revealing the advantages and disadvantages and presenting the benefits of combining it with Implant Dentistry.