International College of Dentists

Scientific Poster

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Periodontitis Treatment Methods with Specific Clinical-Laboratory Markers

1 Tbilisi State Medical University

2 Dental Clinic, Training and Research Center UniDent, Georgia

Onsite author: All authors will be onsite

Periodontitis is considered as one of the most common diseases worldwide. 8 out of 10 patients are suffering from periodontitis of varying severity. The main reason for the development of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues is the etiological factor of an infectious nature. Diseases of an inflammatory nature of the periodontium can be considered as the result of violating the ratio between bacterial symbiosis and oral tissues. Chronic periodontitis and peri-implantitis are initiated by unique pathogenic bacterias periodontal pocket markers: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomit, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola.

The main requirement in periodontal diseases treatment is a complex and maximally individual approach. Despite the advancements in treatment, the balance of microorganisms within the periodontal pocket, the reduction of invasiveness, and the extension of remission periods remain pertinent concerns for dental practitioners.

To achieve the above aim this research used a comprehensive clinical and laboratory findings analysis to assess the efficacy of various periodontitis treatment modalities, including the Vector system, diode laser therapy, and their combination.

According to the study results by detecting the pathogenic markers, identifying their types, qualitative content and encounter frequency in periodontal pockets of the patients with periodontitis, before treatment, an optimal individualized patient-centered treatment plan has been developed.

      In the clinical study conducted on periodontopathogenic microorganisms were involved patients with generalized periodontitis, stage II (A or B level), 20 to 60 years of age, without concomitant chronic diseases (women – 75% and men – 25%). The examined patients were divided into three groups: in group I – therapy was carried out with vector system, in group II – therapy was carried out with diode laser, group III – combined therapy with vector system and diode laser was carried out.

After treatment in the mentioned target group, all patients showed a reliable improvement of the clinical picture. The diversity of the microbial spectrum revealed by the molecular biological research (marker-pathogenic analysis – Micro-Ident) before the treatment, with different growth intensities, changed radically after the treatment, the quantitative and qualitative reduction or elimination of periodontal markers was noted.

By results therapy with the Vector system and combination with the Vector system and Diode laser provides reliable elimination of periodontal markers. With diode laser alonetreatment, complete quantitative and specific elimination of periodontal markers was not observed.